The Players Pay Tribute to Veterans
The Players took to social media today to pay their respects to the men and women who have and continue to bravely serve their countries.

NHL players make a point of honouring North American military soldiers and families throughout each season. From player programs that allow military families to attend games and meet players to dedicated military appreciation nights – the players are supportive of our men and women in uniform. So today on Veterans Day (US) and Remembrance Day (CAN), it’s no surprise that many players took to social media to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have, and who continue, to bravely serve their countries.
Here are a collection of the tweets players shared on November 11th in honour and remembrance of our veterans:
Thanks to all serving now and those who have served in the past! #LestWeForget #Heroes
— Mike Fisher (@mikefisher1212) November 11, 2014
Thank you to those who put their lives in serious danger for our safety and freedom back in the homeland. #RememberanceDay #VeteransDay
— riley nash (@rileynash20) November 11, 2014
I will wear this mask during tomorrow nights game and will be available for auction to support Veterans Day
— Brian Elliott (@KidElls1) November 11, 2014
Let's take a moment today and pray for all the brave men, women and their families who have fought and died for our countries! #LestWeForget
— Andrew Shaw (@shawz15er) November 11, 2014
Happy Veterans Day! Very thankful for all the men and women that bravely serve our countries
— James van Riemsdyk (@JVReemer21) November 11, 2014
#LestWeForget Thank you to all who have served and protected us!!!!
— josh gorges (@jgorges26) November 11, 2014
Thanks to all those that serve and have served for our countries! #MomAndDad #RembranceDay #VeteransDay
— Steve Ott (@otterN9NE) November 11, 2014
Honored to represent the 10th Mountain Division for tonight's game. Thank you to all who serve in our…
— Scottie Upshall (@ScottieUpshall) November 11, 2014
A big thank you to all the men and women who have served to protect our freedom #LestWeForget
— Tyler Bozak (@Bozie42) November 11, 2014
Remembrance Day/Veterans Day Thank you to All those that served and serve today!! All our freedoms came on your sacrifices!
— Brent Burns (@Burnzie88) November 11, 2014
Thanks to all the past & present military men & women who've given up their tomorrow's so we can have ours. #VeteransDay
— Matt Hendricks (@MattHendy26) November 11, 2014
Thank you to all past and present veterans for your bravery and sacrifice. #RememberanceDay #LestWeForget #VeteransDay
— John Mitchell (@mitchabov) November 11, 2014
At the 11th hour we pause to remember those who have bravely served and those who continue to serve our countries.
— Andrew Ference (@Ferknuckle) November 11, 2014
Thanks to everyone who has served for our beautiful country both past and present. #VeteransDay
— Ryan Kesler (@Ryan_Kesler) November 11, 2014